
45y/Male with c/o altered sensorium

DOA: 19/05/2022 CC: 46y/M came with c/o drowsiness (altered sensorium) since 19/05/2022 morning, c/o vomiting (3-4 episodes) since 2 days Hiccups since 3 days Burning micturition present since 10 days HOPI: Pt was apparently asymptomatic  5 days back, then pt developed c/o vomiting ,had 4-5 episodes, containing food particles,non bilious. Pt c/o deviation of mouth and giddiness since yesterday night(18/05/2022) Yesterday night(18/05/2022)- GRBS recorded high value for which he was given NPH 10 IU and HAI 10 IU No c/o fever/cough/cold No significant h/o previous UTIs No c/o chest pains/palpitations/syncopal attacks Past History: 10yrs back pt had c/o polyuria and was diagnosed with Type 2 DM, started on OHA 10 yr back,  h/o small injury on leg which gradually progressed to non healing ulcer extending upto below knee eventually ended with below knee amputation 1yr back i/v/o development of wet gangrene OHAs been converted to Insulin since 2 yrs Delayed Wound healing present- wound healin